It was the biggest transformation of my life, moving to another country with my husband right after we got married. After a month, we had finally settled into our first duty station enjoying Okinawa, Japan for what it was. Beautiful, scenic, cultural... Everything
you'd expect from an island. I knew that being there, I wanted something more for myself. A hobby. 

Living in another country helped me start something I didn't even know I would enjoy. I bought my first camera, bought my first preset pack, and started booking military families. Now, 4 years later I have grown a true passion for photography. I strive everyday to grow my business and learn new things. 
I am currently a mom of two amazing toddlers and wife. I've had past students ask me "how do you balance your life at home with your business?"
Having a constant drive to succeed for my family is what keeps me going.


You can find me in my office editing in my grey sweats and tank top. Sipping on coffee while listening to the top rated movie soundtracks of all time.

Hi friends!

Where to next?